

Lilly and Family

Lilly and Family


In November 2017, Lilly, who is 12 years old and known as a caring, loving, beautiful girl, developed what we thought was the yearly winter cold.  After many lab tests and imaging studies, Lilly and her family received the heartbreaking news that she is now facing a battle with Lymphoblastic Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Lilly is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment at the wonderful Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island.  Although this is not an easy fight, we can say with confidence that she is kicking cancer's butt!!

We are confident in Lilly’s recovery but she has a difficult road ahead of her.  She will endure approximately two years of chemotherapy treatment.

Our family is committed to helping Lilly beat this! We are so very grateful for the support we have received thus-far from old friends, new friends, and family. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!